Quantum Computer Supremacy

 Computer Is Of Two Types

1] Classical Computer

2] Quantum Computer

1] Classical Computer - 

Like desktop, laptop these are proccesed by binary numbers (0 and 1) if switched on, the binary value will 1; if switch off, the binary value will 0. The classical computer coding is based on binary numbers.

8 bits = 1 byte

Types of bytes

1 byte

1024 kilobyte

1048576 megabyte

1073741824 gigabyte

1090511627776 terabyte

2] Quantum Computer -

quantum computer based on quantum physics theory. Instead of byte here <qbyte></qbyte> (q=quantum byte). Here byte 2.0 version is used.

Binary numbers can have the following possibilities  - 1    0   1&0. Here quantum superposition theory is used.

In the case of a 2-qubit(quantum bit) system. There are two possibilities : 11   00   10    01

In this case, quantum entanglement is used. if there is 3-qubit then 16 possible states are available. As the qubit increased possible states are increased. However, classical computer cannot answer these qubits.

During the experiments, the quantum computer produces results in 3 minutes and 20 seconds while the classical computer does not respond in the same time. A quantum computer performing task 100 trillion faster than the world fastest computer. A quantum computer is superior then any other computer. Also, A bit quantum computer store more amplitude than there are atoms in the universe. A quantum computer can be placed in 0 degree celsius.

Disadvantage of quantum computer is - As it is a highly superior computer, it can open any security lock. therefore scientist are making cyber free computer.

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